Credit unions are companies that provide financial products to consumers. Unlike traditional banks, credit unions are owned by members and put the interests of their members first. Also, credit unions are not-for-profit organizations that exist not only to make a profit, but to serve their members. It is not uncommon for these financial institutions to offer personalised service, passing on cost savings to account holders.
For example, as of March 25, 2022, the national median interest rate on a 36-month unsecured fixed-rate loans from a credit union was 8.77, compared with 9.85 for banks, according to the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA). For these reasons, credit unions are worth considering when you enter the personal loans market.
Credit unions that offer personal loans
With over 5,400 credit unions in the U.S., there’s no shortage of borrowing options. However, it is important to only consider those who offer the most competitive loan terms. You should also meet the eligibility criteria for the credit union you’re considering and make sure the loan amount is right for your financial situation.
While there are many options across the country, some credit unions also offer online services.
Кредитор | Rates | Loan terms | Суми на заема | Minimum credit score requirement |
PenFed | 6.74% – 17.99% | Up to 60 months | Up to $50,000 | Not specified |
Suncoast Credit Union | Starting at 10.00% | Up to 96 months | Up to $30,000 | Not specified |
Founded in 1935, PenFed Credit Union is a viable personal loan option. If you have good credit, you can qualify for very competitive interest rates, making borrowing more affordable. Plus, you can use the loan however you want, whether it’s dealing with a financial emergency, making a big purchase, doing expensive home repairs, or paying off high-interest debt. Even better, if you have a low credit rating and you want to increase your chances of approval by applying with a co-applicant, the lender will allow co-borrowers.
Няма такси за обработка и повечето заеми се финансират в рамките на 1-2 работни дни след одобрението. Срокът на вашия заем е до 60 месеца и PenFed няма да начисли неустойка за предплащане, ако решите да изплатите заема си предсрочно.
Кредитен съюз Sunshine Coast
Suncoast Credit Union отваря врати през 1934 г. и сега е най-големият кредитен съюз във Флорида. Предлага гъвкави решения за лични заеми без такси за кандидатстване или неустойки за предплащане. Освен това цените са сред най-ниските в бранша.
Също така е лесно да управлявате кредита си в движение. Можете да планирате плащания чрез защитено онлайн табло за управление, мобилни плащания чрез приложението SunMobile или чрез автоматично плащане на сметки. Можете също да зададете удръжки от заплатите. Това означава, че плащанията по заема ще бъдат приспаднати от вашата заплата, което улеснява бюджетирането на вашите трудно спечелени пари.
Как да получите личен заем от кредитен съюз
Готови ли сте да кандидатствате за личен заем? След като разберете колко искате да заемете, процесът е сравнително прост и не трябва да отнема много време. Ето стъпка по стъпка разбивка на това какво да очаквате:
Step 1: Apply for membership. Once you’ve reviewed your options and made a short list of the best credit unions, apply to become a member. You must provide your name, address, phone number, social security number, and a copy of your driver’s license, passport, or government-issued ID. Most credit unions also perform soft credit checks when reviewing your membership application.
Step 2: Submit a personal loan application. Credit unions will typically ask for the same personal information and documents you provided when you applied for membership, as well as information about your employer and proof of income (i.e., most recent pay stub). You must also agree to strict credit checks for lenders to process your loan application. It may temporarily lower your credit score by a few points.
Step 3: Receive your loan proceeds. Most lenders make decisions relatively quickly, sometimes within hours. If your application is approved, the lender will ask you to provide any other required documents (if applicable) and finalize your closing documents. Once you sign on the dotted line, you can get your money within a few business days.
How to Qualify for a Credit Union Personal Loan
Each lender has its own guidelines for potential borrowers. Still, you should meet the following criteria to qualify for a credit union personal loan:
- Become a member of the credit union you want to get a loan from.
- Have an acceptable credit history, credit rating and debt load.
- Provide proof of regular income.
- Demonstrate your ability to repay your loan on time
Some credit unions offer online pre-approval that allows you to review loan terms, interest rates, and monthly payments for which you may be eligible. Plus, it won’t affect your credit score, as the pre-approval process only requires a mild credit check.
You can also ask the lender directly about the eligibility criteria before applying. This can save you time exploring personal loan options.
Some credit unions offer online pre-approval that allows you to review loan terms, interest rates, and monthly payments for which you may be eligible. Plus, it won’t affect your credit score, as the pre-approval process only requires a mild credit check.
You can also ask the lender directly about the eligibility criteria before applying. This can save you time exploring personal loan options.
How to determine if a credit union is the right lender
Before deciding if a credit union is right for you, consider the pros and cons to make sure you’re making the right choice.
Main advantage
- Some offer more flexible lending criteria than traditional banks.
- If you have a working relationship with the credit union you are considering, you may get a lower credit score.
- Interest rates are often more competitive than those offered by traditional banks.
- Fees are usually less than banks and online lenders.
Main disadvantage
- Financial products and services are available to members only.
- You may get far less credit than you need.
- Some credit unions do not offer innovative mobile banking technology like traditional banks and online lenders.
bottom line.
Долен ред
Credit unions are a viable option when considering a personal loan. They offer personalized service and competitive pricing, and you can rest assured that you are dealing with a financial company that puts members first. Still, there are some downsides to consider when evaluating your options. Ultimately, it’s a good idea to get interest rate quotes from at least three credit unions to ensure you get a great personal loans deal.