The most important thing you can do with a credit card is to avoid interest charges by paying off your balance in full each month. But for many different reasons, about half of credit card users are unable to do so and end up with a balance. If you’re one of these credit card users, your priority should be to pay off your balance while spending as little as possible on interest.
The new Wells Fargo Reflect℠ Card helps you do just that by offering 18 months of 0% APR on new purchases and qualifying balance transfers, as well as a 21-month extension that allows the offer. By comparison, the most competitive promotional financing offers from other card issuers are usually around 15 months, sometimes as long as 20 months.
- Welcome bonus: none
- Reward: none
- Annual fee: none
- APR: 12.99% to 24.99%, depending on your credit history
- প্রচারমূলক তহবিল অফার: কিছুই না।
কিভাবে এই কার্ড কাজ করে
The Wells Fargo Reflect Card offers new applicants an 18-month interest-free promotional financing offer on new purchases and qualifying balance transfers. To be eligible, funds transfer must be made within 120 days of account opening.
However, if you make the minimum payment on time within the first 18 months, your start-up financing offer can be extended to 21 months as long as you continue to make at least the minimum payment on time. This is currently the only credit card that offers this extended financing for its promotions. If you get the full 21 months of 0% financing, this is the longest promotional financing offer available. The next best deal on cards issued by big banks is in the US. The Bank Visa® Platinum Card offers 20 months of interest-free financing for new purchases and balance transfers.
Otherwise, this is a very basic card with no sign-up bonuses and no bonuses at all. While it doesn’t have many benefits, you can get up to $600 in phone theft and damage protection when you use your card to pay your monthly bill. There is no annual fee for this card, but there is a 3% transfer fee and a 3% overseas transaction fee.
This card offers premium financing that allows you to eliminate interest charges on balance transfers and new purchases. If you don’t pay interest on your balance, 100% of your payments will go toward paying down your debt, so you can pay off your debt faster. You only need to pay at least the minimum amount on time and you will receive an initial financing offer extending to 21 months.
The card also has no annual fee and comes with a valuable cell phone protection policy.
Once you cash out your balance and the promotional price expires, it’s just a very basic card with no rewards and no benefits. It also has a 3% foreign transaction fee, so the next time you leave the US, you might want to leave it at home.
Citi® Diamond Preferred® Credit Card. This card includes 21 months of 0% APR balance transfer financing, but only 12 months of new purchases. There is no annual fee for this card, but it does incur a hefty 5% transfer fee.
Our Bank Visa® Platinum Card. This card includes 0% APR funds for 20 months on new purchases and balance transfers. It comes with a cell phone protection plan and has no annual fee. However, both wire transfers and international transactions are subject to a 3% fee.
BankAmericard of Bank of America. This card offers 18 months of interest-free financing for new purchases and balance transfers with a 3% balance transfer fee. While this offer is slightly lower than the competition, the standard rate is only 12.99% APR for the most qualified applicants. There is no annual fee for this card.
শেষের সারি
If you have credit card debt, you should look for the best way to get rid of it quickly. By offering up to 21 months of interest-free financing, the new Wells Fargo Reflect card can be a great way to avoid interest charges when you pay off your balance.
আরো দেখুন!
- আমেরিকান এক্সপ্রেস সেঞ্চুরিয়ান ব্ল্যাক কার্ড রিভিউ
- X1 ক্রেডিট কার্ড - কীভাবে আবেদন করবেন তা পরীক্ষা করুন।
- ডেসটিনি ক্রেডিট কার্ড - অনলাইনে কীভাবে অর্ডার করবেন।
- Delta Skymiles® রিজার্ভ আমেরিকান এক্সপ্রেস কার্ড পর্যালোচনা – আরও দেখুন।
- আমেরিকান এক্সপ্রেস নতুন চেকিং অ্যাকাউন্ট এবং পুনরায় ডিজাইন করা অ্যাপ্লিকেশন সহ গ্রাহকের অভিজ্ঞতার উপর দৃষ্টি নিবদ্ধ করে
- এটি আবিষ্কার করুন® পুরষ্কার কার্ড পুরস্কার দেখুন এটি কিভাবে কাজ করে