A few words from Warren Buffett for the best career advice you've heard today
Λίγα λόγια από τον Warren Buffett για τις καλύτερες συμβουλές καριέρας που έχετε ακούσει σήμερα

Warren Buffett has taught at the University of Florida School of Business, teaching students smart lessons about careers, finances, and relationships.

Warren Buffett also offers advice rarely heard in the cutthroat business world: Find a job you love. “If you’re independently wealthy, you really should take a job that you’ll take,” Buffett said in his speech. “You’ll learn something, be happy about it, and jump out of bed. You can’t miss it.”

Apple CEO Tim Cook agrees and further simplifies the premise. In a previous interview, he was asked about his views on personal success. Cook’s response: “Do what you love, put your heart into it, and enjoy it.”


These advice from the two billionaires seem to be at odds with conventional wisdom of sacrifice, hard work and climbing the corporate ladder.

Do what you like

When I left the corporate routine and started my leadership coaching and training practice, I knew deep down that this was what I always wanted to do – help leaders succeed. But at the time I wasn’t sure if that would be my goal. It naturally became a passion I now love.


Yes purpose. This is why you should love what you do. Your purpose is exactly what you cannot stop doing. It will make you “jump out of bed” and come to life when you find it works for you.

The trap you shouldn’t fall into is using money to achieve your goals. Yes, building wealth is important for entrepreneurs, but the pursuit of happiness money itself should never be the end goal; it wears out quickly and you will never be able to use it fully to achieve your happiness.


Choose a job and career that fits your purpose – make it your life’s mission and mission. So money serves a greater purpose: to impact lives and make the world a better place.

More from Cooke: “You have to find the intersection of doing what you love and serving others at the same time. I would argue that if you can’t find that intersection, you’re not going to be very happy in your life.”

The future of work is autonomous, creative, entrepreneurial and purposeful for the benefit of humanity. It’s about owning what you do — whether you’re working for yourself or collaborating with peers and peers to innovate and build something worthwhile that you both love to do.

Finally Warren Buffett said: “I love every day. I mean, I tap dance here, I only work with people I love. There is no more enjoyable job in the world than running Berkshire, and I am very I’m lucky to be who I am now.”

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