What is a credit card for negative people?


If you are negative, know that this situation can make life very difficult for consumers, especially when applying for credit. Therefore, needing a credit card at this stage is not an easy task.

When applying for credit, you should know that agencies will evaluate your spending history. Rejecting your name can be a big problem because it shows a high risk of default.

However, not all is lost. In our credit card window, you can view more credit card alternatives for negative people and increase your chances of having your credit card approved.

Payroll credit card

If you are a civil servant, retiree or INSS pensioner, a payroll credit card is a great option. With this type of card, the minimum invoice amount will be deducted directly from your net salary or INSS benefits.

Many finance companies have invested in payroll credit cards because they do not need to negotiate with SPC/Serasa. This choice makes life easier for the negative public, who would be unlikely to be trusted otherwise.


Payroll credit cards are linked to payroll, therefore, the fee amount will be deducted from the benefit. Unlike traditional credit cards, which charge interest when invoices are not paid, with a payroll loan, your card will be blocked until the invoices are paid.

Who can apply for a payroll credit card?

  • INSS pensioners and retirees;
  • Army, Air Force and Navy;
  • Public Servants.

What to consider when choosing a credit card for negative people?

Carry out personal analysis

First, analyze your current financial situation and consider whether a credit card is the right choice right now. It is important to be careful not to let your financial situation deteriorate.


Beware of fraud

When looking for credit, many people find overly simplistic alternatives and end up in scams. Always be suspicious! Especially if an advance payment is required to take out a loan. I suggest you look for a bank.

Make a plan

Organize all your income, expenses and set goals. Ideally, a negative credit card can help you with organization and not bother you with more debt. Furthermore, even with credit approval, your limit may be low, so plan to pay for your purchases in cash or debit.

Advantages of a credit card for negative people


The positive aspect of getting a credit card for negative people is that, when used correctly, it can help you organize your financial life. Additionally, you can take advantage of the advantages that the card offers, such as a loyalty program that offers discounts on products and services or exchange of points.

Disadvantages of Credit Cards

Negative people will have fewer credit card options than others. Furthermore, your name and CPF status directly affect the approval of services and the amount of credit allocated for use on the card.

Check out some Credit cards for negative people approved instantly:

Nubank International Mastercard Card: Advantages and Benefits

Banco Inter Mastercard Credit Card

C6 Bank International Mastercard Card: Advantages and Benefits

Santander SX International Visa Card: Advantages and Benefits
