Nakon što su Microsoft (MSFT) i druge tvrtke koje su prijavile zarade veći dio poslijepodneva opterećivale tržište s lošim projekcijama,...
Stocks & Markets
Trenutačne novosti s tržišta dionica: Budućnice dionica opadaju jer ulagači razmatraju smjer kamatnih stopa
Dok je Wall Street uznemiren još jednim značajnim povećanjem stopa od strane kreatora politike Federalnih rezervi i iščekivanjem objave...
Dionice koje čine najveće pomake u pretprodaji
Pogledajte neke od najvećih pokretača na dominantnom tržištu: Ford (F) – Dionice proizvođača automobila pale su...
Kako kupiti Tesline dionice – TSLA
Kao jedan od vodećih inovatora u području električnih vozila, proizvođač automobila Tesla dobiva veliku medijsku pozornost. To…
Kako kupiti Twitter (TWTR)
Twitter took the helm after news broke that Elon Musk, the billionaire owner of electric car maker Tesla, had successfully …
3 Monster Growth Stocks That Could Turn $200,000 into $1M by 2030
Patience pays off when you own a stake in an innovative, high-growth company. It has been one of the most …
Check out Warren Buffett Stock Growth Down 65% and 92% to Buy Right Now
The stock market is off to a dismal start to the first half of 2022. The S&P 500 is down …
Morgan Stanley kaže da će američke dionice pasti za još 10% prije nego što dosegnu dno jer se mogućnost recesije sada udvostručuje
S&P 500 to fall another 10% before current bottom economic recession-fuel bear market for U.S. stocks, said Morgan Stanley Wealth …
What the dollar’s historic rise means for markets as stocks and bonds end brutal first half
2022 will be a historic year for markets including the world’s reserve currency. As the S&P 500 headed for its …
Why the S&P 500 could enter a 1966-style bear market, says DWS Group
David Bianco, chief investment officer for the Americas at fund manager DWS Group, said the S&P 500 has found good …
Najbolje peni dionice 2021
Investing in the stock market offers a wealth of opportunities for your capital to grow. You can use a variety …
What are the different types of stocks you can invest in?
The stock market can be an intimidating place for new investors. Between the financial jargon and market volatility often thrown …