U suštini
A retail rewards card designed to suit even Belk’s top spenders is the Belk Credit Card Rewards Mastercard®. It provides a rewards program that can be upgraded based on the cardholder’s spending patterns, with bonus points for regular expenditures like groceries and petrol.
Idealno za one koji:
- Često kupuju na lokacijama Belka i mogu nadograditi svoje kartice kako bi dobili bolje nagrade
- Biste li željeli maloprodajnu karticu koja vam daje bodove i za benzin i namirnice?
- Razmislite o korištenju ekskluzivnih ponuda i ušteda dostupnih vlasnicima kartica.
Pregled Belk Rewards Mastercard® kreditne kartice
The Belk Rewards Mastercard®, which should not be confused with the Belk Rewards Card that can only be used in stores, may be used almost everywhere to make purchases and accumulate points. You will get 2X points in grocery shops and petrol stations, while Belk purchases will account for the majority of the points received. You have the rewards card of a Belk shopper’s dreams when you combine this with 1X points on all other purchases and exclusive Belk savings.
Izrada aplikacije Belk Rewards Mastercard®
It’s crucial to note that even if you apply for a Belk Mastercard, Belk may not actually issue you the card before we discuss the benefits. This is so that the same application may be used for both the Mastercard version and the store-only Belk Rewards Card. Only the Mastercard may be used outside of Belk shops, despite the fact that both cards offer the same benefits (including upgrades). As a result, that card provides the most versatility and value for your money. You won’t know which one you’ll get until you apply, which makes applying for this card a bit like playing Russian roulette. The general rule is that your chances of getting the card you desire increase with your credit history. Another option is to begin with a shop card and, via prudent use, move up to a Mastercard.
Kako zaraditi osnovne Belk nagrade
If the Mastercard version of this credit card should come your way, you’ll start accruing points right away. You don’t merely earn points on purchases from the connected retailer – in this example, 3 points per dollar, as is the case with other excellent retail credit cards – in order to use this card. With the Belk Mastercard, you can also get points for everyday purchases like groceries and petrol. Particularly at petrol stations and grocery stores, you may get two points for every dollar you spend. Service stations, bakeries, and supermarkets are included, but not wholesale merchants and warehouses. In addition to these exclusive cardholder benefits, you’ll earn 1X points on all other purchases:
- 20 dana akcijskih popusta
- Povrat bez potrebe za računom
- Događaji na kojima možete dobiti dodatne nagrade
- Dan štednje korisnika mjesečne kartice
- Rani ulazak u nove prodajne i maloprodajne događaje
Osim toga, na dan otvaranja vašeg računa ispunjavate uvjete za brojne poticaje za prijavu. Ovo uključuje poticaj dobrodošlice od 1000 bodova za vašu prvu kupnju (u vrijednosti od 10 Belk dolara) i popust od 20% na većinu Belk robe.
Nadogradnje za Belk Mastercard® Rewards
Možete podnijeti zahtjev za nadogradnju kartice nakon što imate Belk kreditnu karticu otprilike godinu dana. Ovisno o vašim godišnjim izdacima, Belk nudi dvije razine nadogradnje; međutim, to uzima u obzir samo maloprodajne kupnje. (Imajte na umu da Belk može degradirati vaš račun kada se promijene vaši godišnji obrasci kupovine, baš kao što može poboljšati vašu nagradnu karticu.) Pogodnosti koje dobivate od osnovne kartice povećavaju se sa svakom razinom, počevši od stope nagrade:
Potrebna je razina kartice Belk Rewards Card Belk Trošak
4X više bodova na Belk Premier nagradnoj kartici
- $600 – $1,499
bodovi za Belk Elite Rewards Card
- $1,500+
Uz nekoliko dodatnih značajki, Belk Premier Rewards Mastercard nudi sve posebne prednosti standardne nagradne kartice. Uključeni su Belk Rewards Flex Pay Plan, rođendanski vaučer i dani premijerne štednje samo uz pozivnicu. Slično tome, vlasnici Belk Elite Rewards Mastercard također dobivaju besplatnu dostavu za Belk kupnje, dan rasprodaje po vašem izboru s popustom od 20% svaka tri mjeseca i četiri dana popusta samo uz pozivnicu. Vaš račun također mora biti u dobrom stanju i ne možete kasniti više od dvije uplate – što ne biste željeli biti – kako biste ispunjavali uvjete za ova poboljšanja. Iako je nadogradnja Belk Mastercard kartice vrlo jednostavna, trebali biste paziti da ne potrošite više nego što si možete priuštiti. Zbog prilično visokih APR-ova i zakašnjelih kazni povezanih s ovom karticom, sva ušteda koju ste nakupili uskoro će biti izbrisana.
Korištenje vaših Belk nagrada
You’ll begin to automatically redeem your Belk Rewards credit card points for Belk Reward Dollars after you’ve accumulated a certain number of points. 10 Belk Reward Dollars are awarded for every 1,000 points earned, and they are always distributed in this increment of 10. Any unused points carry over to the following payment cycle. There is no overall limit to the number of points you may accrue, but you should be aware that they lose their validity after one year. They will be mailed to you in two to three billing cycles and are limited to 100 Belk Reward Dollars every billing cycle. You must shop with your Belk card in-store or online during the allotted time period, and then display the rewards when checking out. One of the nicest features of this method is that you may use your rewards in conjunction with other deals to get even more savings. You forfeit any unused portion of your Belk Reward Dollars if you don’t utilize the entire amount on your purchase.
Preporučuje se podnošenje zahtjeva za Belk Rewards Mastercard® kreditnu karticu.
Ova kartica bi vam mogla biti laka ideja ako često kupujete u Belku - mislim često. Možete dobiti nagrade ovisno o vlastitim obrascima potrošnje zahvaljujući višeslojnom sustavu nagrađivanja, a postoje i gotovo beskrajna dodatna sniženja. Imate pristup najmanje 25 dana s posebnim popustom mjesečno na najvišoj razini. To znači da gotovo uvijek štedite novac kada kupujete. Međutim, ovo vjerojatno nije idealan izbor osim ako niste najveći ljubitelj Belka. Ako zaostanete s plaćanjem, to sadrži nevjerojatno visoke godišnje kamatne stope i zakašnjele kazne koje mogu uništiti vaš kreditni rezultat. I to može biti riskantna igra s obzirom na to da ova kartica potiče značajnu potrošnju u maloprodaji.
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