With interest rates rising, getting the best mortgage rate is more important than ever. Your mortgage interest rate affects your monthly payments and how much you will pay in total over the life of the loan.
Your loan interest rate depends on many factors, including your down payment, creditworthiness, the value of the home you are buying, the loan term, and more. We’ll break down what you need to know to get the lowest rates.
Kaip gauti geriausią palūkanų normą kitai hipotekai
Svarstant kitos būsto paskolos galimybes, geriausia būti kiek įmanoma pasiruošusiems užpildyti paskolos paraišką ir gauti mažiausias įmanomas palūkanų normas.
„Yra trys ramsčiai: jūsų kreditingumas, jūsų pajamos (išvertus į skolos ir pajamų santykį) ir jūsų turtas“, – aiškina Joshas Moffittas, Silverton Mortgage prezidentas Atlantoje.
Follow this seven-step process to get the best price.
Improve your credit score
Keep employment records
save on deposit
Know your debt-to-income ratio
Choose a 15-Year Fixed Rate Mortgage
Comparison store between multiple lenders
secure your tariffs
1. Pagerinkite savo kredito balą
Mažesnis kredito balas automatiškai netrukdo gauti paskolą, tačiau tai gali būti skirtumas tarp mažiausios įmanomos palūkanų normos ir brangesnių paskolos sąlygų.
“Credit scores are always an important factor in determining risk,” said Valerie Saunders, vice president of the National Association of Mortgage Brokers (NAMB). “Lenders will use the score as a benchmark for determining a person’s ability to service their debts. The higher the score, the more likely the borrower will not default.”
The best mortgage rates go to borrowers with the highest credit scores, usually 740 or higher. Generally speaking, the more confident a lender is in your ability to make your payments on time, the lower the interest rate they offer.
Norėdami pagerinti savo rezultatą, apmokėkite sąskaitas laiku ir sumokėkite arba pašalinkite šiuos kredito kortelės likučius. Jei turite turėti likutį, įsitikinkite, kad likutis neviršija 20% iki 30% jūsų turimo kredito limito. Be to, tikrinkite savo kredito balą ir reguliariai praneškite apie tai bei ieškokite ataskaitoje klaidų. Jei radote klaidų, prieš kreipdamiesi dėl hipotekos pabandykite jas ištaisyti.
2. Atlikite gerą darbo įrašų darbą
You are more attractive to lenders if you have a steady job and income for at least two years, especially with the same employer. Be prepared to provide pay stubs at least 30 days prior to your mortgage application and your W-2 for the past two years. If you get bonuses or commissions, you have to prove that too.
Or you are self-employed or your salary comes from multiple part-time jobs, it may be more difficult to qualify, but not impossible. If you are self-employed, you may need to submit business documents such as income statements in addition to your tax return to complete your application.
What if you are a graduate just starting your career or returning to the job market after a hiatus? If you have a formal job offer on hand, lenders can often verify your job, as long as the offer reflects the fees you will pay. The same applies if you currently have a job but are about to have a new one. However, if you’re entering an entirely new industry, lenders may flag your application. So keep this in mind when making major changes.
Spragos jūsų darbo istorijoje nebūtinai jus diskvalifikuos, bet nesvarbu, kiek laiko tie spragos yra. Pavyzdžiui, jei dėl ligos esate bedarbis gana trumpą laiką, galbūt galėsite nesunkiai paaiškinti skolintojui, koks yra trūkumas. Tačiau jei buvote bedarbis ilgą laiką (šešis mėnesius ar ilgiau), gali būti sunku gauti leidimą.
3. Sutaupykite pradiniam įnašui
Sutaupę daugiau galite sumažinti hipotekos palūkanų normą, ypač jei turite pakankamai grynųjų pinigų 20% pradiniam įnašui. Žinoma, skolintojai priims mažesnes pradines įmokas, tačiau mažesnė nei 20% paprastai reiškia, kad turite mokėti už privačios hipotekos draudimą, kuris gali svyruoti nuo 0,05% iki 1% ar daugiau pradinės paskolos sumos per metus. Kuo greičiau sumokėsite savo hipoteką už mažiau nei 801 TP3T visos savo namo vertės, tuo greičiau galėsite apsidrausti nuo hipotekos draudimo ir sumažinti mėnesines sąskaitas.
4. Know your debt-to-income ratio
Your debt-to-income ratio (DTI) compares your debt to the money you earn. Specifically, it compares your total monthly debt payments to your total monthly income.
In general, the lower your DTI ratio, the more attractive you are to lenders. A low DTI means you can make new loan payments without going bankrupt. The higher your DTI, the more income you have to pay off your loan, making it harder to take on more debt.
A popular rule of thumb for lenders is to avoid mortgages that require more than 28% of your monthly gross income. Your overall DTI should stay below 36%.
So if you make $5,000 a month, you want your mortgage payments to be no more than $5,000 * 0.28 = $1,400, and you want to make sure your mortgage payments plus other debt payments stay below $5,000 * 0.36 = $1,800.
The maximum DTI is 45% for traditional loans and 43% for FHA loans. However, there may be some exceptions if you meet certain requirements, such as B. Significant savings.
5. Consider a 15-Year Fixed Rate Mortgage
While a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage is common, if you think you’ve found a long-term home and have good cash flow, consider a 15-year fixed-rate mortgage to pay off your home faster. You also have the option of a 15-year term when refinancing your current mortgage. The current benchmark rate for a 15-year fixed-rate mortgage is 4.870%, according to Bankrate’s national survey of lenders.
6. Comparison store between multiple lenders
Ieškodami geriausios hipotekos palūkanų normos, netgi refinansavimo, atlikite reikiamus tyrimus, kad įsitikintumėte, jog rasite geriausią hipotekos palūkanų normą savo situacijai. Nesiimkite pirmos pasiūlytos kainos – verta pabandyti. Vieno tyrimo duomenimis, skolininkai gavo tik vieną papildomą palūkanų normos pasiūlymą ir sutaupė vidutiniškai $1500, o gavo penkis ir sutaupė vidutiniškai $3000.
Pažvelkite ne tik į savo banką ar kredito uniją, pasikalbėkite su keliais skolintojais ir tyrinėkite galimybes internete.
“Buy and compare based on the credit assessments you get,” Sanders said. “You don’t usually buy a car without a test drive first. Use your loan for a test drive before proceeding with the purchase.”
7. Lock your tariffs
The closing process sometimes takes weeks and prices can fluctuate during this time. After you sign a home purchase agreement and get a loan, ask your lender to determine your interest rate. There is sometimes a fee for this service, but it’s usually worth it, especially in an environment of rising interest rates.
Kitas žingsnis
Once you’ve found the best loan quotes and rates and applied for a loan, you’re one step closer to your next mortgage. Here is an overview of what to expect:
Per tris dienas nuo paraiškos pateikimo gausite paskolos sąmatą su informacija apie būsto paskolą. Tai apima atsiskaitymo išlaidų sąrašą, tačiau tai yra dabartinės sąmatos, o ne firminiai skaičiai. Jei turite klausimų apie tai, kas įtraukta į jūsų kredito vertinimą, šiuo metu galite paprašyti savo skolintojo paaiškinimų.
Your lender’s underwriting department will review your application to determine whether your mortgage will be approved. During this time, you may be asked to provide additional documents or answer questions. So be prepared and react. Take care of your finances and work too – don’t take out new loans, make big purchases, or change jobs if you can avoid it.
If your mortgage is approved, you’re close to closing. If your loan is rejected, it’s important to find out what factors influenced the decision. In general, you can always apply for another mortgage from another lender, but it’s wise to wait a bit before you damage your credit.
As you approach your closing date, you will receive a closing disclosure with final loan terms, including your interest rate and closing costs. If you have determined a low price, please ensure that the price on this document matches the price you originally offered. Keep in mind that rate locks usually only last for a certain period of time. Therefore, it is best to work with your lender to avoid delays in the closing process.
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