Marec, 12. marec 2025
DomovAkcie a trhyAko kúpiť akcie PayPal

Ako kúpiť akcie PayPal

Ako kúpiť akcie PayPal
Ako kúpiť akcie PayPal

PayPal, one of the larger players in the payments space, has been doing well since it was spun off from online auction site eBay in mid-2015. As a payments company, PayPal supports online commerce, which can be an attractive investment if you think the world is moving more and more towards electronic payments and even more e-commerce. PayPal is also the company behind Venmo, which has gained a lot of attention in recent years for bank-to-bank transfers.PayPal has experienced a boom in business during the pandemic, with profits soaring more than 70% in 2020 as more people move shopping online. But the company now faces slowing growth and issued a disappointing 2022 earnings outlook, sending its shares down nearly 25% in a day. The stock has lost nearly 60% this year through May 2022.

If you’re considering buying a stake in PayPal stock, here’s what to do and what you need to know before you decide.

1. Analyze PayPal and its financials

Analyzing a company’s competitive position and financials can be the hardest part of buying stocks, but it’s also the most important. The best place to start is the company’s Form 10-K, which is the annual report that all public companies must file with the SEC.

10-K vám môže pomôcť dozvedieť sa veľa o spoločnosti:

  • Ako zarába peniaze a koľko
  • Jej aktíva a pasíva
  • Jeho ziskovosť sa časom vyvíja
  • Konkurenčná krajina
  • Spoločnosť čelí rôznym rizikám
  • Vedenie tímov a ako ich motivovať

Výročná správa je dobrým prvým krokom k tomu, aby ste sa o spoločnosti dozvedeli viac, no chcete urobiť viac. Mali by ste skontrolovať, čo robia iné spoločnosti, aby boli konkurencieschopné, pretože je dôležité mať širší prehľad o odvetví.


For example, PayPal is one of the largest payment companies, but it competes with some very well-known companies. Visa and Mastercard have reached a strategic agreement with PayPal that will expand the reach of the retailer’s payment network and allow consumers to pay using the methods they prefer. Currently, Visa and Mastercard have agreed not to impose any fees or rules on PayPal, but this may change when the strategic agreement ends.

2. Does PayPal make sense in your portfolio?

PayPal is doing well and growing rapidly, with revenue growing around 20% in 2020 and 2021. If this growth can continue, the stock should do well. However, there are also some risks, such as B. due to the company’s strong competitors and lower growth prospects in 2022. And the nature of tech companies is often associated with the disruption of incumbents, so PayPal is doing well, but there’s no guarantee the future will be just as bright.

Mali by ste si teda položiť nasledujúce otázky:

  • Rozumiete biznisu a jeho perspektívam do budúcnosti?
  • Môžete pokračovať v jej analýze, ako sa vaše podnikanie a odvetvie vyvíja?
  • Given how volatile the stock is, can you hold or even buy more if it goes down?
  • Rozumiete hodnote spoločnosti a jej porovnaní so súčasnou trhovou hodnotou?
  • PayPal Doesn’t Pay Dividends – Do You Need Stocks?

3. How much investment can you afford?

How much you can invest has less to do with PayPal and more to do with your personal financial situation. Stocks can be volatile. So to give your investment time to pay off, you should be able to keep your money in stocks for at least three to five years. This means you should be able to live without money for at least that long.


Commitment to holding the stock for three to five years is important. You hate having to sell a stock when it’s nearing a bottom, only to see it bounce higher after you exit your position. By sticking to a long-term plan, you can ride out the ups and downs of the stock.

If you invest in individual stocks, you should probably keep the percentage of individual positions between 3% and 5%. That way, you’re not seriously exposed to investments that wreck your portfolio. You can choose a lower percentage than this range if the stock has a higher business risk.

Taktiež neinvestujte len jednorazovú sumu peňazí do akcií, ale zvážte, ako môžete časom pridať peniaze na pozíciu.

4. Otvorte si maklérsky účet

Aj keď otvorenie maklérskeho účtu môže znieť zložito, v skutočnosti je to celkom jednoduché a všetko môžete nastaviť za približne 15 minút.

Mali by ste si vybrať makléra, ktorý vyhovuje vašim potrebám. Obchodujete často alebo zriedka? Potrebujete vysokú úroveň služieb alebo výskumu? Je cena pre vás najdôležitejším faktorom? Ak si kúpite malé množstvo akcií, ale investujete predovšetkým do fondov, niektorí brokeri ponúkajú obchodovanie bez provízií výhradne pre tieto fondy.


After opening an account, you should have sufficient funds to purchase PayPal stock. But you can do this completely online, and it’s easy.

With PayPal stock trading around $80 a share as of May 2022, you probably won’t have enough cash to buy an entire share. Several brokers, including Charles Schwab and Fidelity, have started offering fractional shares to help with this, allowing you to invest for just a few dollars.

5. Buy PayPal stock

Once you decide to buy PayPal stock and open and fund your brokerage account, you can set up your order. Use the company’s ticker symbol – PYPL when entering your order.

Väčšina maklérov má v spodnej časti každej stránky „obchodný lístok“, aby ste mohli zadať svoju objednávku. Na pokyn makléra zadáte ticker a počet akcií, ktoré si môžete dovoliť, alebo ak kupujete zlomkové akcie, sumu, ktorú chcete investovať. Potom zadajte typ príkazu: trhový alebo limitný. Trhový pokyn kupuje akciu bez ohľadu na aktuálnu cenu, zatiaľ čo limitný pokyn sa vykoná len vtedy, keď akcia dosiahne vami nastavenú cenu.

Ak kupujete len niekoľko akcií, najlepšie je držať sa trhových príkazov. Aj keď teraz zaplatíte za trhovú objednávku viac, ak bude akcia pokračovať dobre, nebude to mať veľký vplyv na dlhodobú výkonnosť.

Spodná čiara

Nákup akcií môže byť vzrušujúce, ale úspech neprichádza zo dňa na deň. Investori by sa mali na svoje investície pozerať z dlhodobého hľadiska a ak veria v akcie dlhodobo, mali by zvážiť použitie priemerných dolárových nákladov.

With dollar average cost, investors add a certain amount of money to their positions over time, which really helps when the stock falls and allows them to buy more. High-flying stocks can fall from time to time, so this strategy can help you get lower purchase prices and higher overall profits.

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