Dividends can be a great way to add income to your portfolio, and many seek it out in times of …
Mutual Funds and Taxes how are they taxed?
Taxes can be complicated, and for investors in mutual funds, they can be very complicated. Dividends and income may be …
Best ETFs to Buy as Interest Rates Rise
The Federal Reserve has hiked interest rates sharply throughout 2022 to curb high inflation. After spending much of 2020 and …
Све што треба да знате о старосној доби за одлазак у пензију: Која је најбоља доб за пуну пензију
If you live in the U.S., your full retirement age is usually the age at which you can begin receiving …
Блацкстоне превазилази пад уз раст зараде од 861ТП3Т у К2
Blackstone Group, the world’s largest alternative wealth manager, saw its second-quarter distributable income jump 86% on strong asset sales on …
Know now what a Financial Plan is
How to create the ultimate financial plan to allow clients to live their best lives. If a client’s wish list …
Netflix Q2 Earnings Preview: Amid possible out-of-subscriber streaming, ad serving takes center stage
Netflix (NFLX) – Shares in Get Netflix Inc.’s report rose after the close on Tuesday ahead of its highly anticipated …
Акције расту, Твитер, Дизни, ИБМ и Нетфликс у фокусу – погледајте све
Stocks futures rise as dollar falls; IBM slumps as currency slumps, beats second-quarter results; Disney raises record $9 billion in …
Јохнсон & Јохнсон надмашује смјернице о заради у другом кварталу и ревидира изгледе за 2022. ради значајног утицаја на долар
Johnson and Johnson (JNJ) – Johnson & Johnson reported better-than-expected second-quarter results on Tuesday, but cut its full-year sales and …
Stock Float: Definition, Examples, and More
Floating stocks can mean a few different things. First, stock-to-flow refers to the number of shares that are publicly available …
Buying On Margin Definition
If you invest $10,000 in a good stock and get a 20% return, you’ll make $2,000. But what if you …
Алпхабет, Гоогле-ова матична компанија, ступила је на снагу поделом акција, шта да се ради?
Alphabet’s stock price is now much lower, which could make it more attractive to retail investors. Earlier this year, Google …