У чланку у понедељак у Тхе Валл Стреет Јоурнал (Паивалл), председник Бајден је позвао Конгрес да помогне у борби против инфлације подизањем…
Шта корпоративни порези по закону о инфлацији значе за берзу
Washington is raising the tax burden on businesses, but the stock market doesn’t seem concerned, and for good reason. While …
Mortgage rates rise as stubborn inflation persists
Mortgage rates rebounded this week after a brief respite from summer home buyers as the Federal Reserve grappled with soaring …
Инфлација и стамбено тржиште: скоковите цене, шта радити
With yet another dismal inflation report in June, homebuyers and sellers continue to face the stark reality that home prices, …
6 awesome ways to keep your dollar appreciating during inflation, experts say
Inflation has plagued the American economy and our wallets for months. Despite the Fed’s containment measures, many analysts predict we …
Годишња инфлација у САД достигла је највећи скок у скоро 40 година како цене хране и бензина расту
Потрошачке цене у САД су убрзале у мају, што је довело до највећег годишњег добитка у скоро 40 1/2 година, пошто су цене бензина…
25% of Americans are delaying retirement because of inflation, poll shows
Americans’ finances are under pressure as inflation pushes up the prices of items like rent, groceries and gasoline. As a …
Пауел каже да Фед неће оклевати да настави да повећава стопе док инфлација не падне
Federal Reserve Chairman stressed his determination to reduce inflation, saying on Tuesday that he would support raising interest rates until …
Consumer credit card debt and APR are heading for record highs
To keep up with rising prices, many consumers rely on credit cards. Credit card balances rose year-over-year, reaching $841 billion …
Бајденова администрација најављује антиинфлациони план
The White House on Tuesday unveiled its plan to fight inflation, broadly repeating the administration’s long-standing proposals to reduce reliance …
Најбољи новчани потези за мај 2022
Amid all the festivities, it can be hard to take a moment to rest for the sake of your financial …