Capital One offers several CDs with different maturities to help you achieve your savings goals. Some terms offer competitive prices and there are no minimum deposit requirements.
Capital One CD Awards
Below is an overview of Capital One’s CD program.
Ім'я облікового запису | Term | APY | Мінімальний депозит |
Capital One 360 CD | 6 months | 0.75% | Жодного |
Capital One 360 CD | 9 months | 0.75% | Жодного |
Capital One 360 CD | 1 year | 1.50% | Жодного |
Capital One 360 CD | 18 months | 1.50% | Жодного |
Capital One 360 CD | 2 years | 2.10% | Жодного |
Capital One 360 CD | 30 months | 2.10% | Жодного |
Capital One 360 CD | 3 years | 2.30% | Жодного |
Capital One 360 CD | 4 years | 2.30% | Жодного |
Capital One 360 CD | 5 years | 2.60% | Жодного |
Note: Annual percentage yields (APYs) shown are as of June 7, 2022, and may vary by region for some products.
Comparison of Capital One’s CDs and High Yield Banks
Capital One has raised its CD rate several times this year to make it more competitive, but it still lags the best APY available, regardless of maturity. For example, on a one-year CD, online banks that offer better rates than Capital One include Live Oak Bank and Bread Savings (formerly Comenity Direct), although neither offers branch banking.
Compare multiple banks’ CD sets, terms available and minimum deposit amounts (if any) when deciding where to keep your savings. The goal is to get the highest possible return while making sure that deadline fits your schedule.
Більше способів заощадити в Capital One
360 Performance Savings from Capital One is a government insurance account that offers a competitive APY.
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