Hur man investerar i aktier
Hur man investerar i aktier

Investing in Stocks: The Basics


Investing in stocks means buying an ownership interest in a public company. These small stocks are called company stocks, and when you invest in these stocks, you expect the company to grow and grow over time. When this happens, your shares may become more valuable and other investors may be willing to buy them for you rather than the price you paid for them. This means you can make a profit if you decide to sell them.

Investing in the stock market is a long game. A good rule of thumb is to have a well-diversified portfolio and stay invested even in the ups and downs of the market. One of the best ways for beginners to start investing in the stock market is to deposit funds into an online investment account, which can then be used to invest in stocks or equity funds.

Investera i aktier i sex steg

1. Bestäm hur du vill investera på aktiemarknaden

Det finns flera sätt att investera i aktier. Välj det alternativ nedan som bäst representerar hur du vill investera och din användbarhet för att välja aktier att investera i.

S. "Jag vill välja aktier och fonder själv." Läs mer; Den här artikeln förklarar vad nuvarande investerare behöver veta, inklusive hur man väljer rätt konto för deras behov och hur man jämför aktieinvesteringar.

B. "Jag vill att en expert ska guida mig genom processen." Du kan vara en idealisk kandidat för en robo-rådgivare, en tjänst som ger låg kostnad investeringsförvaltning. Nästan alla stora mäklarfirmor och många oberoende rådgivare erbjuder dessa tjänster, som kommer att investera för dig baserat på dina specifika mål.

C. “I want to start investing in my employer’s 401(k).” This is one of the most common ways for beginners to start investing. In many ways, it teaches new investors some best investing practices: make small contributions regularly, focus on the long-term, and take a hands-on approach. Most 401(k)s offer limited stock fund options but no access to individual stocks.

Once you have a preference, you can purchase an account


2. Välj investeringskonto

To invest in stocks, you usually need an investment account. For hands-on types, this usually means a brokerage account. Opening an account with a robo-advisor is a viable option for those who need a little help. We break down these two processes below.

Viktig punkt: både mäklare och robo-rådgivare låter dig öppna ett konto med väldigt lite pengar.

Gör-det-själv-variant: öppna ett värdepapperskonto

Ett onlinemäklarkonto kan vara det snabbaste och mest prisvärda sättet att köpa aktier, fonder och olika andra investeringar. Du kan öppna ett individuellt pensionskonto, även känt som en IRA, hos en mäklare, eller ett skattepliktigt mäklarkonto om du redan har tillräckligt med pensionssparande i en arbetsgivares 401(k) eller annan plan.

If you need to dig deeper, we have a guide to opening a brokerage account. You should evaluate brokers based on factors such as cost (trading commissions, account fees), investment options (if you prefer funds, look for quality commission-free ETFs), and investor research and tools.

Passiv variant: öppna ett robo-rådgivarekonto


Robo-rådgivare erbjuder fördelarna med aktieinvesteringar, men kräver inte att deras ägare gör de fel som krävs för att välja enskilda investeringar. Robo-rådgivartjänster tillhandahåller omfattande investeringshantering: Dessa företag frågar dig om dina investeringsmål under introduktionsprocessen och bygger sedan en portfölj för dig som är utformad för att uppnå dessa mål.

Detta kan låta dyrt, men förvaltningsavgiften här är vanligtvis en bråkdel av vad en human investment manager tar ut: de flesta robo-rådgivare tar ut cirka 0,25% av ditt kontosaldo. Ja – du kan också få en IRA från en robo-rådgivare om du vill.

Note that while robo-advisors are relatively inexpensive, read the fine print and choose your provider carefully. Some providers require a certain percentage of accounts to be held in cash. Suppliers typically pay very low interest rates on cash positions, which can significantly impact performance and lead to suboptimal allocations to investors. These required cash distribution positions sometimes exceed 10%.

If you decide to open an account with a robo-adviser, you probably don’t need to read this article anymore – the rest is for DIYers.

3. Förstå skillnaden mellan att investera i aktier och fonder

Do you go the DIY route? Don’t worry. Investing in stocks doesn’t have to be complicated. For most people, investing in the stock market means choosing between the following two types of investments:

Equity funds or exchange-traded funds. Mutual funds allow you to buy small fractions of many different stocks in one transaction. Index funds and ETFs are a type of mutual fund that tracks an index; for example, an S&P 500 index fund tracks the index by buying shares of the companies it contains. When you invest in a fund, you also own a small stake in each of these companies. You can combine multiple funds to create a diversified portfolio. Note that equity funds are also sometimes called equity funds.

individual stocks. If you’re looking for a specific company, you can buy a stock or several stocks to dive into the waters of stock trading. Building a diversified portfolio of many individual stocks is possible, but requires a lot of investment and research. As you go down this path, keep in mind that individual stocks go up and down. When you research a company and decide to invest in it, when you start to get nervous on a bad day, think about why you chose the company in the first place.


Fördelen med aktiefonder är att de till sin natur är diversifierade, vilket minskar din risk. För de allra flesta investerare – särskilt de som investerar sina pensionssparande – är en portfölj som främst består av fonder det självklara valet.

Det är dock osannolikt att fonder låter som vissa enskilda aktier. Fördelen med en enskild aktie är att smarta val kan leda till stor avkastning, men chansen att en enskild aktie gör dig rik är mycket liten.

4. Sätt en budget för dina aktiemarknadsinvesteringar

Nya investerare har vanligtvis två frågor i detta steg i processen:

How much money do I need to invest in stocks? The amount required to buy one share of stock depends on the price of the stock. (Shares can range from a few dollars to a few thousand dollars.) If you want a mutual fund and are on a tight budget, an exchange-traded fund (ETF) may be your best bet. Mutual funds typically have a minimum amount of $1,000 or more, but ETFs trade like stocks, which means you buy them at the stock price—under $100 in some cases).

How much should I invest in stocks? If you invest through a fund, did we mention that this is the preference of most financial advisors? — You can allocate a substantial portion of your portfolio to equity funds, especially if you have a long investment horizon. A 30-year-old retirement investor might have 80% of his portfolio invested in mutual funds; the rest will go into pension funds. Individual stocks are another matter. A general rule of thumb is to limit these to a small portion of your portfolio.

5. Fokusera på långsiktiga investeringar

Aktiemarknadsinvesteringar har visat sig vara ett av de bästa sätten att bygga upp välstånd på lång sikt. I decennier har aktiemarknaden i genomsnitt avkastat cirka 10% per år. Men tänk på att detta bara är ett genomsnitt för marknaden som helhet – vissa år kommer att stiga, vissa år kommer att falla och enskilda aktiers avkastning kommer att variera.

The stock market is a great investment for long-term investors, day in and year out; it’s the long-term average they’re looking for.

Investing in stocks is full of complicated strategies and methods, but all that some of the most successful investors do is stick to stock market fundamentals. That usually means spending the majority of your investment portfolio — Warren Buffett famously said that a low-cost S&P 500 index fund is the best investment most Americans can make — And only if you believe in the long-term potential growth of the company.

After you start investing in stocks or mutual funds, the best thing you can do is perhaps the hardest: don’t look at them. Unless you’re trying to overcome the odds and succeed in day trading, it’s best to avoid the habit of compulsively checking your stock performance multiple times a day.

6. Hantera din aktieportfölj

While daily volatility doesn’t do much for your portfolio or your own health, of course there are times when you need to review your stocks or other investments.

När du följer stegen ovan för att köpa fonder och enskilda aktier bör du se över din portfölj några gånger om året för att se till att den fortfarande passar dina investeringsmål.

A few things to keep in mind: As you approach retirement, you may want to convert some of your stock investments into more conservative fixed-income investments. If your portfolio is overweight in one industry or industry, consider buying stocks or funds in another industry for more diversification. Finally, pay attention to geographic diversity. Vanguard recommends international stocks make up 40% of the stocks in your portfolio. You can buy international equity funds to gain this exposure.

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